Oil of Joy: Exploring its Meaning and Significance for Faith-Based Creative Women over 50

Oil of Joy: Exploring its Meaning and Significance for Faith-Based Creative Women over 50
 The Oil of Joy: Exploring its Meaning and Significance for Faith-Based Creative Women over 50

As faith-based women over 50, we turn to the Bible for guidance and inspiration on our journey towards a more fulfilling life and one of devotion, intimacy with God and intercession for our families and the world.

One concept that has been mentioned in the Bible is the "oil of joy" or "oil of gladness". But what exactly does it mean, and how can it be relevant to our lives as creative women?

Let's explore this concept together and discover the meaning and significance of the oil of joy for us as gracefully aging faith-based creative women.

First, let's take a look at the Bible verse where this phrase is mentioned:

"You are passionate for righteousness, and you hate lawlessness. This is why God, your God, crowns you with bliss above your fellow kings. He has anointed you, more than any other, with this oil of fervent joy, the very fragrance of heaven's gladness." Psalms 45:7 
The Passion Translation

In this verse, the oil of joy is described as something that is given as a reward for living a righteous life. It is a symbol of honor and a sign that one has been set apart from others.

But what does this mean for us as creative women over 50? How can we apply this concept to our lives?

One way to interpret the oil of joy is as a reminder that joy is a gift that God gives us. 🎁
It is something that we can choose to embrace and celebrate, even in difficult times. 
Joy can help us find meaning and purpose in our lives, and it can give us the strength and resilience we need to face challenges.

As creative women, we can find joy in the process of creating. Whether we are designing spaces in our home, cooking a creative meal, designing something in our business, parenting, painting, writing, or crafting, the act of creating can bring us joy and fulfillment. We can also find joy in connecting with others and using our creativity to inspire and uplift others.

In addition to finding joy in our creative pursuits, we can also cultivate joy through gratitude and by focusing on the blessings in our lives. When we practice gratitude, we shift our focus from what we don't have to what we do have. 
This can help us cultivate a sense of joy and contentment in our daily lives.

As we continue on our journey as gracefully aging faith-based creative women, let's remember the significance of the oil of joy. Let's choose to embrace joy as a gift from God, and let's celebrate the joy that comes from creating, connecting with others, and cultivating gratitude.

May we all be anointed with the oil of joy, and may it be a symbol of our honor and the fulfillment we find in our lives.

Let's continue to explore and discover more about this concept together. Join our community of faith-based creative women over 50 and share your thoughts and experiences with us. 
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Rise above Stressful situations, Hormonal Changes and Buried Trauma

Rise above Stressful situations, Hormonal Changes and Buried Trauma


Many women over 50 may have experienced  trauma that can effect their stress levels. Maybe you are like me. I  discovered more about what was going on inside in a time of transition. This happened for me when I transitioned from working and managing an Early Childhood job to working at a online business. It was also a time of grieving and as I slowed down I had more time to notice skin and gut issues. I began to ask questions and understand more about what was keeping me stuck and unfulfilled in some areas of my life. I realized that as a person who experiences deep emotions and feels the burdens of others I would need some strategies to help me live my best life and the one God has called me to.

Seasons like this can be a difficult time to navigate, but it's important to remember that you are not alone in your struggles. I am still learning this everyday and trusting God more for who is here to help me and who I am meant to help. These are some tips and insights I found helpful to manage stress and find peace during this phase of life.

#1. Take care of your body

Your body is going through a lot of changes, so it's important to take care of it. Eating a healthy diet, drinking water,  exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can all help to manage the physical symptoms of hormonal changes. Additionally, some women find relief through natural remedies such as herbal supplements or essential oils. I am not a doctor and won't diagnose anything but I am ready to make suggestions that have helped me as well as other women just like you!

#2. Practice self-care

Self-care is crucial during times of stress. It can be easy to get caught up in the demands of daily life, but taking time for yourself can help to reduce stress levels. Find activities that bring you joy, such as reading a book, taking a bath, or going for a walk. You may also find comfort in prayer or meditation on God's word, especially starting your morning connecting with your team Jesus, Abba Father and the Holy Spirit. They can be a great source of strength, joy and peace that only comes from heavenly encounters.

#3. Seek support

It's important to have a support system during times of stress. Reach out to friends and family members who can provide encouragement and understanding. You may also want to consider joining a support group for women going through similar experiences. If you're struggling with stress, consider seeing a counselor who can help you work through your feelings and emotions with prayer and understanding.

#4. Let go of expectations

As women, we often have high expectations for ourselves. We may feel like we need to be perfect or have everything together, but this is simply not realistic. Let go of these expectations and embrace the fact that it's okay to not have everything figured out. Be kind to yourself and give yourself permission to take things one day at a time.

#5. Find meaning

Finding meaning in your life can help to reduce stress levels and bring a sense of purpose. This may involve exploring your faith or spirituality, volunteering for a cause you care about, or finding a hobby that brings you joy. Take time to reflect on what matters most to you and how you can incorporate those values into your daily life.

#6. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for managing stress and finding joy in life. Take time each day to reflect on the things you are thankful for, whether it's a supportive friend or a beautiful sunset. You may also want to keep a gratitude journal, where you write down a few things each day that you are grateful for.
In conclusion, managing stress during hormonal changes and embedded trauma can be a challenging journey, but there are ways to find peace and comfort. 

Remember to take care of your body, practice self-care, seek support, let go of expectations, find meaning, and practice gratitude. With these tools and the support of your faith, you can navigate this phase of life with grace and strength.
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The meaning of Easter, Renewal and Using essential oils

The meaning of Easter, Renewal and Using essential oils

As Easter approaches, it's a time of reflection and renewal for you. It is a time when we gather as families and we pray for our families. It can also be a time where we experience a range of emotions including lonliness.

It is during emotional times that we can set aside a time to celebrate the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus, and to remember the hope and joy that his victory over death brings to our lives.

For those of us who use essential oils, this can be a particularly meaningful time to explore the connection between our physical and spiritual well-being. Just as Jesus offered healing and restoration to those he encountered during his ministry, essential oils can offer powerful benefits for our physical and emotional health.

One essential oil that holds particular significance during Easter is Frankincense. I know we think of this at Christmas. This precious oil was one of the gifts brought to Jesus at his birth, and has been used for centuries for its spiritual and medicinal properties. Frankincense can help to ease feelings of anxiety and promote a sense of calm and grounding, making it a powerful tool for faith-based women who are seeking to deepen their connection to God.

As we pray for our families during this time, we can also incorporate essential oils into our daily routines to promote a sense of peace and well-being. Diffusing oils like lavender, bergamot, and ylang-ylang can help to create a calming atmosphere, while citrus oils like lemon and grapefruit can help to boost mood and energy.

Ultimately, the significance of Easter goes beyond any specific ritual or practice. It's a time to remember the power of love, forgiveness, and redemption, and to celebrate the hope and joy that comes with new beginnings. As we seek to honor this message in our daily lives, we can use essential oils as a tool to support our physical and emotional health, deepen our connection to God, and find peace and renewal in the midst of life's challenges.

If you want to know more about essential oils to support you in better emotional and physical health I invite you to join our Oil of Joy Facebook group where we will explore various Young Living essential oils and support you in your healing journey as a faith-based woman over 50. 
Thrilled to have you join Oil of Joy. Please share this blog with other women who want to deepen their connection with God and enjoy creating a sensory experience that brings a heavenly atmosphere. 

With Love and compassion,


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Hair, Skin and Nails. Tips for healthy glowing Skin at any Age!

Hair, Skin and Nails. Tips for healthy glowing Skin at any Age!
Welcome! We are going to talk about your hair, skin, and nails - and how to support them! Excited to share tips for glowing healthy skin.

Read to the end to get free access to my entire class series on this topic including my 10 ways to improve your hair, skin and nails guide.

So often we look at our hair, skin, or nails and think it only needs support from the surface, but that is definitely not the case! Now don’t get me wrong, taking care of those things topically matters. But what I want to challenge you with today is to focus on what’s happening on the inside and how it affects what you see happening on the outside
Our body is a complex web of interworking systems. When your liver is abused, you might start to notice it in the color of your skin. When your gut isn’t working properly, you might start to notice things like psoriasis or eczema. When your hormones are imbalanced, you might start to see an increase in acne or hair loss. See how it all connects? 
Well, don’t let that overwhelm you. Today we will discuss the basics of the integumentary system so you can see the whole picture. Then we will talk about some of the WORST things you can do and some of the BEST things you can do for your hair, skin, and nails. We want you to leave feeling more empowered than ever! Ready to dive in? Let’s go! 

So what exactly is the integumentary system? Well, to put it simply - it’s your hair, skin, and nails. To put it more scientifically, it’s the epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, associated glands, hair, and nails. You get the gist! 

The integumentary system is the largest organ of the body! It forms a physical barrier between the outside environment and the inside environment of our bodies. Its main job is to protect all the vulnerable things within as well as maintain them. It’s your body’s first line of defense against pathogens so it plays an important role in immunity. This system also orchestrates wound healing, regulates body temperature, helps to synthesize Vitamin D, and detect stimuli. 
Your skin is a tightly knit network of cells, making it very durable against everyday wear and tear. The epidermis is that top layer that you can see and feel. The dermis is the layer below that, which contains blood and lymph vessels, nerves, sweat glands, and hair follicles.
Then there is the hypodermis. It’s the connective tissue that provides additional cushion and insulation through fat storage. It also connects the top layers of skin to underlying structures like muscles and organs. 

Hair comes from the epidermis but grows its roots deep into the dermis. It mainly serves to protect the skin, increase sensory function, and aid in regulating body temperature. Hair also filters harmful particles from entering the eyes, ears, nose, etc.   
Nails form as layers of keratin on the tips of fingers and toes. Nails have an important job - to protect the fingers and toes, which are prone to repeated trauma. Nails also help increase the precision of movements and enhance sensation. 

Now that you’ve got the basics down, let’s see what things can DISRUPT this intricate system. Eeek!! 

Ready to learn more about improving the health of your hair, skin and nails!

When you grab this class, you will learn about...

  • The basics of the integumentary system so you can see the whole picture
  • The worst foods and substances for skin
  • Two of my favorites for integumentary system support
PLUS... you'll get my free '10 Ways to Improve Your Hair, Skin, & Nails' Guide so you will know exactly how to love on and support your body!
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7 Days to a More Positive You

7 Days to a More Positive You
Hey Friend...

Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a “negativity rut''? Your thoughts travel to the worst situation almost immediately, your anger is quick to rise to the surface, your outlook on life’s day-to-day activities is at best apathetic, the smallest problems seem catastrophic.

I am here to tell you, friend, that you do NOT have to stay in that place. You CAN break that cycle and walk through the valley to the other side. It will take some practice. It will take some concentrated effort and re-training of the brain, but you can do it. 

A more positive you IS possible. Let’s take the next 7 days and chip away at those negative habits, shall we?

CLICK HERE to get access to your FREE 7 Days To a More Positive You 

You will also receive simple daily tips over the next 7 days to implement so you can learn to chip away at those negative habits, break the cycle, stay the course, and become the change you want to see.

The sun is on the horizon!
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